Legs Up the Wall!

Folks, we did it, we’re finally here! Spring has at long last sprung, bringing some long awaited warmer weather and sunshine, but also lots of much needed rain. 

Rainy days can be some of the best days though! They bring us the opportunity to connect more with each other, whether it’s through a board game or a movie, or maybe some reading time or a dance party! But we also know how exhausting it can be being stuck inside having to entertain each other, especially if you have littles. 

In Singing Yogis, our musical kids yoga class, we practice self regulation regularly so that if (and when) the need strikes, we have lots of tools in our toolbox to promote full body health and wellness! One of our favorite resting postures is legs up the wall! 

How do we do legs up the wall? It’s as literal as it sounds: Lie on your back and prop your legs up on the wall. That’s all there is to it! Don’t have a free wall? Prop your legs up on a chair, or even your bed. Let your arms rest wherever they’re comfortable, close your eyes and breathe deeply. It’s so accessible, and so easy, and that’s one of the plethora of reasons why we love this posture! 

Legs up the wall is a mild inversion pose, which is a fancy way of saying that thanks to gravity, we are able to reverse the flow of blood and energy in our body. This signals to the brain to switch on our “rest and digest” nervous system, helping us to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension. It is also one of the most restorative poses you can do for your body! 

Legs up the wall:

  • alleviates swelling

  • gives us energy

  • relieves sciatica, leg and back pain

  • improves digestion and circulation

  • supports healthy blood pressure 

  • and, our personal favorite, promotes healthy and deeper sleep. We’re talking sweet dreams for your whole household! Yeah baby! 

For optimal results, we highly recommend trying this posture just before bedtime or after a really stimulating activity. Even just holding it for 1-2 minutes can seriously benefit both you, and your child’s health, and promote that calm we are all desperately searching for these days! For extra fun and bonding time you can even let your kiddo snuggle on top of you with a blanket or a towel! Let us know how it goes, we are excited to hear your success stories! 


Emotional Regulation for Adults - Part 2


Composer of the Month: John Philip Sousa