We Love Practice Space!

If your child is one of our private lesson students then get ready to be mind blown! Drumroll please!

Introducing: Practice Space! Practice space is a web and mobile based app that is super motivating and helps young musicians step up their practice game. All Harmony Garden Students who take private instrument or voice lessons now receive the benefits of Practice Space as a part of your lesson membership starting this month!

What Students love: 

-They know exactly WHAT and HOW to practice! Your teacher will list all of your weekly assignments as well as any notes, demos, links etc. so you have everything you could possibly need right at your fingertips!

-They have new practice tools! Speaking of right at your fingertips, Practice Space includes a timer to keep track of the length of your sessions, as well as a built in metronome! No more expensive extra gadgets or apps!

-They feel great about themselves! Practice space allows students to rack up points for our leaderboard, receive certificates, prizes, silly avatars, and more! Get rewarded for your hard work! 

-They can communicate with their teacher! In the past students either had to hold on to any questions until it was time for their weekly lesson, or email the studio lest they forget. With practice space they now have a way to ask those questions, or anything else right away! They can even send videos throughout the week for more accurate feedback! 

-They can see their progress! Practice space archives every lesson! Which means you can look back on past lessons and videos and SEE how far you have come! It doesn’t get better than that! 

What Parents love: 

-It’s free! Need we say more? As long as you are a member of Harmony Garden, this incredible tool is available at no cost to you! Woohoo! 

-It’s easy and convenient! No more desperate hunting for practice journals, emails, or assignments. Everything you need to know is right there, in one space. 

-No more practice drama! Battles over practicing are sure to be eliminated! Everything they could possibly need is laid out for your kiddo AND they will be self-motivated and even excited to practice thanks to Practice Space’s competition, and rewards system! Your lesson investment has officially been maximized! 

-Feel confident and supportive! Practice space is easy to use and allows you to be more involved in supporting your musician at home! Easily see what they are learning, what they should be doing, and cheer them on! 

-Joy all around! The more your child practices, the more progress they make. The more progress they make, the more confident they feel! The more confident they feel, the more they love their lessons! The more they love their lessons, the happier and more excited they’ll be! The more happy and excited they are, the longer they’ll stick with lessons! The longer they stick with lessons, the more their musicianship and confidence grows. 

We can keep going but you get the point!

All HG students should receive the information to join Practice Space within the coming week if they haven’t already so keep your eyes peeled! As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions! We can’t wait to “level up” with this new chapter together and see where this amazing system takes us! 


Composer of the Month: Scott Joplin


Student of the Month: Kesav