Welcome to Singers Club!

You’ve heard of our famous Singers Club, but what exactly is it? A musically good time - with loads of learning benefits for your young singer - that’s what! 

In Singers Club, young singers develop their voices in a safe, age-appropriate way through warm ups and rehearsal techniques. And, they get to go on an adventure through the world of music! Your singer will:

  • Learn the music and history of other cultures,

  • Experience new languages,

  • Sing their hearts out in concerts and an annual summer ballgame,

  • And gain musical skills and make new musical friends through singing and theater games.

But wait, there’s more!

In Singers Club, your young musician is not just singing and having fun (although really what more can you ask?), they are also developing some pretty crucial skills for their development:

  • Learning new music means learning new words! By reading and hearing new words in the context of a song, children are expanding their literacy and language development.  As an added bonus, singing also helps them with fluency and pronunciation. 

  • Just like a team sport, singing in a group develops critical social skills. Singing together requires teamwork, inclusion, and cooperation! Studies show that students who are involved in choir, band, group singing, or other musical activities also learn the value of appreciating the hard work of others, and learning to work towards a common goal. Meeting goals = huge self esteem boosts! 

  • What’s better than social skills? Emotional skills! When we sing, we use our whole bodies to express ourselves, which releases endorphins and feel-good hormones! And, as we learn music we identify what the song is about.  Considering the feelings, emotions, and stories in each new song develops empathy and helps us connect and bond not just as a group, but with the world and people around us. 

We can go on and on about the hundreds of benefits of group singing. For now though, we encourage you to see for yourself and let the benefits speak for themselves!

Singers Club is an open enrollment class. Your young singer is welcome to join in the merriment anytime, and we cannot wait to meet them!


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