Student of the Month: Madelyne

We love our students! They inspire us, they challenge us, they make us laugh and smile. But most importantly, they are each wonderful, unique individuals getting ready to go out into the world and make amazing things happen! That’s why we are highlighting one of our amazing students every month.

This month's featured student is Madelyne!

Madelyne has been playing piano for three years this spring, and brings cheer and positivity to her learning and practice! She always has a smile on her face and is eager to learn something new.

Miss Susie, Madelyne’s teacher, says: “Madeyne is such a joy to work with! She is always laughing and is so kind. She loves learning Disney songs on piano!”

We hope you always approach life with a smile and positivity, Madelyne!

Q: What do you enjoy most about music?

A: Being able to play new songs that I enjoy or songs for other people.

Q: Do you have a favorite musical memory?

A: My first recital!

Q: What is your favorite song to play?

A: A Whole New World from Alladin

Q: What is a song you would like to learn?

A: Astronomy by Conan Gray

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Real estate agent for rentals and own a Henna business

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Purple

Q: What animal would you be, if you were not a human?

A: Husky

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: To be able to read minds


Why take lessons over the summer?


Composer of the Month: Antonio Vivaldi