Vocal Health During Allergy Season

Springtime is upon and that means allergies are upon us! Not only do allergy symptoms affect our breathing, they can sometimes irritate our throats, affecting our tone or our vocal chord strength. Booooo.  Zero stars. 

If you take vocal lessons, or have a kiddo in Singers Club, you might be wondering… “Can I still sing with allergies?”  The answer is YES! With proper care and attention, and of course listening to your body, you can keep your vocal health in tip top shape and sing through allergy season with ease. Here’s how:

  1. Take your allergy medication: This one is a no brainer, why suffer when you don’t have to?  We also recommend Vitamin C while you're at it, to help boost your immune system. If you can, try and take them at night. These medications have a tendency to really dry us out which as we know is no bueno for those vocal folds. Taking them at night will allow the peak drying effect to happen as you sleep, preferably next to a humidifier, so that it will be more manageable during the day. Also, be sure to stay extra hydrated while taking them to combat the dryness.

  2. Take a hot shower: Especially after being outside! A nice hot shower creates a sauna effect, helping to clear your sinuses and promote better drainage as well as cleanse us of unnecessary toxins and any pollen or irritants on our skin. Once you’re squeaky clean, be sure to sip on some water or hot tea to remove any remaining drainage. Speaking of…

  3. Drink Herbal Tea: If you read our winter vocal health blog, then you already know: we are obsessed with tea! Warm liquids like herbal tea are soothing for the throat, and help cut through extra phlegm. Herbal tea is also full of natural antioxidants which will help to reduce inflammation and support your immune system! Just remember, tea is a natural diuretic so again, be sure to drink lots of water too! 

  4. Shut the windows: Oh how we love the warm spring breeze! But along with it comes pollen and other irritants sometimes. We aren’t saying never open your windows because that’s no way to live, but on days where the pollen count is high you might consider shutting our windows, or wearing a mask outside, for your vocal chord’s sake. Also be sure to clean your home filter systems regularly!  

  5. Support your sinuses: Sorry if this is gross, but the voicebox needs a moist environment to thrive and relies on lubrication and mucus for healthy warmth and dampness. This starts all the way up in your sinus cavities. Saline nasal spray, humidifiers, and water soluble lubricants are an easy way to support this natural process! We also recommend a neti pot or other sinus rinse at least once a day during allergy season to wash out any allergens that could be trapped up there! 

  6. Gargle with warm salt water or baking soda: It might not taste great, but it sure does wonders clearing out that gunk that drips down your throat, AKA post nasal drip. You can also add this mixture to your neti pot or sinus rinse! 

  7. Move more: And not just because it burns calories! Regular exercise is proven to reduce allergy symptoms as it promotes stronger blood flow which will help flush out allergens and inflammation.

And finally, our most important tip: Listen to your body. Just like our previous vocal health blog, this is always the most important thing. If it hurts to sing or talk, then don’t. You don’t want to risk causing more inflammation, or worse injury or damage. Also please don’t whisper, it might seem like a smart choice but it actually squeezes your vocal folds which can cause further dryness and inflammation. Vocal rest (no talking) is the better alternative. Grab a pen and paper if you must communicate, but otherwise try to refrain from talking, singing, or humming. It might feel silly, but it will allow your voice muscles to get the rest they need and recover much faster than trying to power through! Plus you might be surprised how calm not talking makes you feel, since rest and quiet help calm the nervous system. 

We hope our list proves helpful to you and your families! With proper care, rest, and hydration your body, and your voice will be feeling better than ever! Allergies, schmallergies, you’ve got this! 


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